That\u2019s why having some fun would you rather questions on hand is always a good idea.\n\n\n\n
If you are looking for a fun and simple way to break the ice and enjoy entertaining conversations this Thanksgiving, these Thanksgiving would you rather questions are for you!\n\n\n\nThanksgiving Would You Rather\n\n\n\n
Playing would you rather is a favorite way to get the conversation going.\n\n\n\n
One of the best things about asking would you rather questions is that there is no right or wrong answer.\n\n\n\n
All of these questions are meant to be fun, encourage conversation, and help create a connection.\n\n\n\n
How Do You Play Thanksgiving Would You Rather?\n\n\n\n
Playing Thanksgiving would you rather is very similar to playing traditional would your rather.\n\n\n\n
Each would you rather question consists of two different options for players to select which they would rather.\n\n\n\n
The difference between traditional Would You Rather and Thanksgiving Would You Rather is simply that the would you rather questions are all Thanksgiving-themed.\n\n\n