Help your man feel loved and appreciated by giving words of affirmation for him.
Keep in mind that you must always be sincere and genuine when you are giving compliments and words of affirmations to your sweetheart.
In this post, we’ve put together a list of sweet words of affirmations for him to feel sexy, loved, appreciated and cared for.
This post is all about words of affirmation for him.
Words Of Affirmation For Him
By giving your guy words of affirmation it will help him to feel appreciated, loved, and it can also boost his self esteem.
Words of affirmation go beyond saying “thanks for raking the leaves” or “thanks for taking out the trash”.
Think about how what you are going to say will make your partner feel.
For Example: If you’re saying thanks for taking out the trash…consider instead, I really appreciate that you take out the trash, it makes me feel so loved when you do that.
It’s important to stop to acknowledge those that we love. Doing this not only will help you to slow down and take a moment to appreciate what you have with your significant other, but it also makes them feel good.
Ultimately leading to a deeper connection, love, and intimacy between the two of you.
Words Of Affirmation For Him In The Morning
1. Seeing you when I first open my eyes is my favorite way to start my day.
2. Good morning handsome!
3. I love the way you always make sure everything is okay.
4. You inspire me.
5. You are better than any man I could dream of.
6. You are my dream come true.
7. I trust you.
8. You are such a big help with…
9. Thank you for listening to me vent.
10. Thank you for working hard for us.
11. I love you.
12. I love that I can always talk to you about anything.
13. I’d really appreciate your help with…
14. How did I get so lucky?
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15. I love it when you…
16. You make me feel loved.
17. You are a gentleman.
18. Thank you for being so thoughtful.
19. I respect your opinion.
20. Is there anything I can do for you today?
21. I feel beautiful when I am with you.
22. Your smile brightens my day.
23. You look so sexy!
24. I love the way that you look at me.
Words Of Encouragement For Him
25. I know that you can do…and it will be great!
26. I believe in you.
27. You’ve totally got this!
28. Every day you continue to amaze me.
29. You are the best.
30. You always figure it out.
31. I know that what you are going through is hard, I am always here for you.
32. Sending good vibes your way!
33. You can do this.
34. You are such a rockstar!
35. I’m so proud of you for…
36. I bet you kicked butt at…today!
37. You are going to do great today with…
38. You are so good at…
39. You are so handsome.
40. Thank you for always being so strong.
41. I appreciate all that you do for us.
42. Can I help you with anything?
Funny Words Of Affirmation For Him
43. I love that you make me laugh.
44. You rock my world!
45. You bring sunshine to my rainy days.
46. I love your sense of humor.
47. You tickle my funny bone!
48. You and me go together like peanut butter and jelly!
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49. There’s no one else I’d rather be stranded on a deserted island with than you.
50. Thanks for always keeping my feet warm at night.
51. I love the special time that we get to spend together.
52. Just when I think you couldn’t be any more amazing, you always surprise me!
53. I can’t imagine anyone else I’d rather grow old with.
54. I love that I get to love you every single day!
55. Forever is not long enough.
Words Of Affirmation For Husband
56. I am so grateful you are my husband.
57. Thank you for choosing me every day.
58. I’m lucky we get to do life together.
59. I love the life we’ve built together.
60. Thank you for loving me the way that you do.
61. I’m so lucky to have you as my husband.
62. Thanks for being a great husband!
63. I am proud to be your wife.
64. I love our home.
65. You are a good provider.
66. Marrying you was the best decision I’ve ever made.
RELATED: DIY: Free Printable Sticky Love Notes To Make Him Feel Loved
67. Thank you for always making time to be there for me.
68. I feel safe with you.
69. I appreciate how honest you are with me.
70. Being in your arms is my favorite place to be.
71. You are home to me.
72. I love you more every day.
73. I appreciate when you…it makes me feel…
74. Thank you for always being my rock.
75. I love that I married my best friend.
76. You are an amazing husband.
Words Of Affirmation For Boyfriend
77. I am so grateful you are my boyfriend.
78. I love doing life with you.
79. I’m so glad that we met.
80. My life has been better since I met you.
81. You always brighten my day!
82. I am excited for what the future holds for us.
83. Thanks for being you.
84. You make me feel special.
85. Thank you for being so genuine and honest.
86. I value your opinion.
87. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world with you!
88. I love that I can count on you.
89. You’re first on my mind the moment I wake up.
90. I had a special dream about you last night.
91. You get me.
92. I appreciate you doing…for me.
93. You are the one person I can always count on.
94. You mean so much to me.
95. You are my best friend.
Remember To Download Your Free Love Notes For Your Sweetheart!
Sharing words of affirmation for him is a sweet way to make your man feel loved and appreciated.
This post was all about words of affirmation for him.